One Of Aiken’s Most Loved Bar-B-Que Restaurants Has A Re-Opening Update
We Will See This Again Soon.
As most people remember, Dukes Bar-B-Que in Aiken had a fire back in June of 2022 that caused damage. And it forced them to shut down for a bit. We have good news. One of Aiken’s most loved bar-b-que restaurants will be back soon! Yep, that’s right! Duke’s Bar-B-Que is re-opening.
On Wednesday of this week on The Dukes Bar-B-Que Facebook page, they gave us an update. They are now looking for a re-opening in late October.
UPDATE: From Dukes Bar-B-Que
Today we begin to add our insulation, which is a major step on the inside. We are still a few weeks away from the walls being completed.
We have already ordered all of our longer lead-time equipment, and several of them will be here in September.
Here’s where we stand on our timeline. We are waiting for one electrical panel which has about a 2-3 week window of time for it to arrive. It will either arrive in late September which will put us at an early October opening or it will arrive mid-October and have us reopening in later October.
In the meantime, we are working hard to make lots of quality-of-life improvements for our business to improve efficiency as well as consistency.
We can’t wait to see you all again very soon!
So while this was never something the owners never dreamed of for this Aiken County landmark, it has allowed them to come back bigger and better. The new building will have a larger seating compacity, more room for food, and new kitchen updates.
So while late October may seem like a lifetime away, it won’t be long before we’ll be sitting around one of the new tables making new memories over some of the best Bar-B-Que, Hash and Rice, and the great sides you’ll find in Aiken County.