Augusta Arts Council Accepting Proposals From Artists For The First Mural Festival
Artists, the Greater Augusta Arts Council will be doing its first Augusta Mural Festival! It will be known as the Augusta 5th Street Mural Festival, as the paintings will be along the walkway leading to the bridge.
They are currently hosting an open call for mural proposals for the new festival in Downtown Augusta.
The murals will measure 3 feet high, and either 10 feet or 20 feet wide, and will sit side by side on the abutments lining both sides of 5th Street between Reynolds Street and the 5th Street Freedom Pedestrian Bridge–the walls facing inward to 5th St.
What happens if selected to be a part of the mural festival?
• Stipend: $1,000-$2,000 + one $4,000
• All paints provided. No outside paints are allowed.
• Basic brushes provided.
When will artists work on their paintings?
All artists will work at the same time – this is what the celebration is about. As a festival that celebrates mural arts, the public will get a chance to watch as the artist paints.
The artists will all paint the murals during daylight hours, within one week, April 20-27, 2024.
Any requirements for what the artists can paint?
There is no required theme that the artists must go by, the council is hoping for a variety of designs for the project.
While again it is not required there will be a 40-foot section reserved for a mural that celebrates Women in the Military. If an artists want to specifically submit for that portion of the project, they will be eligible for a $4,000 stipend. To learn more about those guidelines click here.
How to apply for the mural?
- Artist must apply with a new design submission.
- Artists are welcome to apply with multiple mural designs. Each design will be scored separately.
- Must submit a minimum of 1 work of art; the maximum is 5.
- The deadline for submissions is February 20, 2024.
Once you have a CAFÉ account, you will be able to apply. For more information on how to submit, click here .